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Posted June 19, 2019.
Each day approximately 8 people are killed and thousands are injured in crashes caused by distracted driving.
According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, cell phones are the fastest-growing distraction to drivers. The National Safety Council reports that one out of every four accidents in the United States is the result of texting and driving.
Chapter 11, H.F. 50 states that your phone cannot be in your hand while driving. However, “one-touch functions” are still allowed as long as the phone is accessed without holding it, typing or scrolling. Since drivers shouldn’t have anything in their hands, it will be easier for law enforcement officials to detect if someone is violating the law.
You can still use your phone while driving to make calls, text, play music and get directions. However, you can only do this through voice commands or single-touch activation. Permanently-mounted GPS devices are also considered acceptable. In the case of emergency calls and reporting hazardous road conditions, drivers may still use their handheld device.
The state of Minnesota already bans texting, emailing or web browsing while driving. Under the Hands-Free Law, drivers may send texts or emails as long as their phone is in hands-free or voice-activated mode. If your phone does not have this technology, then you cannot use it for any of these functions. The bottom line is that your phone cannot be in your hand while you’re operating a motor vehicle.
Yes. For a first offense, the ticket for violating the law is $50, not including court fees. After this, tickets are $275 plus court fees. Because the hands-free law passed at the state level, it is of the primary enforcement type. This means that law enforcement officers can issue a citation for using a handheld device without any other traffic offense having taken place.
If you do not own a car with Bluetooth capabilities, then you must be able to control your phone through voice commands. In order to control your phone with voice commands, you'll need a device to hold it so that it’s not in your hand.
If you have been charged with violating the hands-free driving law, contact Bruno Law.