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What Is A “White Collar” Crime?

"White-collar" crimes involve deceptive financial practices and are typically nonviolent. Perpetrators may act with intent or unintentionally. Many first-time offenders are individuals who, despite being law-abiding citizens, may engage in illegal activities due to a lack of awareness about the law or financial difficulties, such as those related to gambling, drug addiction, or family financial challenges.

Crimes considered “white collar crimes” include:

White collar crimes may be either state or federal crimes, and convictions can carry penalties of massive restitution payments, large fines, and jail or prison time.

Because these crimes involve money matters, both sides—those defending and those prosecuting—usually have to deal with a lot of documentation. This includes financial records like tax papers, company financial statements, and information about securities, which are brought up as evidence during the case..

If you have been charged with a white collar crime or are worried that you may be charged with one soon and have questions about a defense or your options, contact Bruno Law today.